Portrait Dino Bektas
from Dino Bektas
Head of Public Cloud Innovation, from Berne

Cloud native ist Dino’s Welt! In der Cloud Native Umgebung fühlt sich Dino Zuhause! Er hat bereits etliche IaC-unterstützte Architekturen für verschiedenste Anwendungen erstellt und kennt deren Besonderheiten. Dino ist zertifiziert in:

  • AWS DevOps Engineer Professional
  • AWS Developer Associate
  • ​AWS SysOps Administrator Associate
  • ​AWS Solutions Architect Associate
  • Hashicorp Terraform Associate

Always on the road - Always on the move!

I come from a unique corner of Southern Europe that has some similarities and distinct differences to Switzerland. I recently celebrated my 30th birthday. Looking back on the last decade, I feel great joy in the many different fascinating cities I have been privileged to call home. My roots are in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where I was born and raised. In my early twenties, I ventured to Vienna, the majestic capital of Austria, and lived there for almost three years. I then found myself in the picturesque city of Bern, coincidentally the city where Amanox, a company I have passionately served for the past five years, is also headquartered. My private journey eventually took me to Zurich, a city that has become my oasis and source of solace. Although I am not an outspoken advocate of comfort, I envision a quiet family life, complete with a cosy home and a loyal companion - a Bernese Mountain Dog. This would give me the pleasure of commuting between my two favourite cities, Sarajevo and Zurich, and enjoying my life to the fullest.

Master of innovations

My entrepreneurial spirit manifested itself at a young age when I earned my first Euros selling floppy disks to my schoolmates. Before I boosted my business at school, I wisely installed a game called "Snake 3D" on each floppy disk to gauge the potential demand. These floppy disks were gifts from tech magazines, a regular gift from my father. Admittedly, I may have asked too much for them, a fact that still makes me blush. But still, I had a lot of fun during those few weeks at school. It was definitely worth the effort. At 15, I channelled my creative and entrepreneurial acumen into video editing and visual effects and earned my first $50. My skills in Sony Vegas Pro and Adobe After Effects enabled me to create gripping videos that averaged 300,000 views - a remarkable achievement for the time. The highlight came on 11 October 2011, when a major Bosnian internet portal used one of my videos as the main banner to promote the football match between France and Bosnia. The excitement of this news, delivered to me by excited friends in late night phone calls, still makes me smile broadly.

Geek or simply practical academic

After completing my Master's degree in Vienna, I started my professional career as a self-employed network engineer in an institute. Later, I joined Amanox as a solution architect and eventually moved up to the position of Head of Public Cloud Innovation. In this role, I have the opportunity to evaluate potential partnerships and innovation opportunities, drawing on my technical expertise to find the most effective solutions. I thoroughly enjoy managing and working on projects that involve cutting-edge technologies - an area where I really shine. In parallel to my professional activities, I also teach as a lecturer in Data Science and Data Engineering at the FHNW (University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland).

Sports enthusiast and party animal who loves to travel

My encounter with basketball started when I was 13 years old and I played in several clubs in Sarajevo. Although I was never able to turn my dream of playing professional basketball into reality, my passion for this exciting sport remains undiminished. Today, I still enjoy participating in street games whenever I get the opportunity. It is worth noting that I made a semi-professional appearance with Club Uni Bern in the 2020/21 season. Beyond basketball, my love for the sport extends to table tennis, which I learned through road and home games. Skiing is also a fascination that has captivated me since I was five years old. In my primary school days, I even won several slalom competitions against high school students. As a person with an insatiable appetite for travel, I enjoy immersing myself in different cultures and gaining fresh perspectives on life. These experiences not only enrich my worldview, but also equip me with the resilience and adaptability necessary to navigate our rapidly changing world. My curiosity extends beyond the present into the fascinating realm of ancient civilisations and ornate watchmaking. My thirst for knowledge is insatiable - I constantly strive to learn more, amassing a modest but fascinating collection of timepieces and a library full of books on a wide range of subjects. From delving into the mysteries of megalithic structures to understanding the principles that governed past civilisations, my intellectual pursuits are as varied as they are profound. In sum, my life is an exciting mix of non-stop movement, non-stop learning and non-stop enjoyment - a testament to my undying spirit of adventure and my constant quest for knowledge and innovation. Whether I'm lost in the hustle and bustle of Sarajevo or Zurich, playing around with cutting-edge technology or scoring points on the basketball court, every second is an opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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